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Fall 2024-Week 6

Hi, everyone; this week has been quite busy in the lab. For the past few weeks, I've been repeating subculture due to not having enough time to do an experiment. This week, I finally had the time. I'll be completing a biofilm formation assay. It's extremely similar to what I did last year but with some tweaking. Outside of the lab, I've put my creative ideas to use for decorating for Halloween. I've also been putting some ideas to use for the robotics club and the Halloween ball. I'm super excited to see how everything will come out.
Recent posts

Fall 2024- Week 5

Hi Everyone, This week was my first whole week in the lab. I focused mainly on calculations and locating everything I needed for the next few weeks. I also made fresh media this week. We made a few adjustments to last year's protocol in hopes that we get better jobs. We made adjustments by ordering flat bottom well plates to help bacterial biofilms stick better. We got an adhesive film to cover the plates to avoid too much evaporation and cross-contamination. By next week, I plan to plate some bacteria and measure the biofilms. (I had to autoclave my media and bottles to store it in)

Fall 2024-Week 4

With the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), we must find alternatives to manufactured antibiotics. This is where my study on Manuka Honey comes in. General honey is well known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial characteristics. Manuka honey claims to be more antimicrobial due to its higher MGO concentration. I’ll compare general honey and manuka honey and its ability to inhibit biofilm growth in Staphylococcus Aureus. Biofilms are polysaccharide films that encompass a colony of bacteria. This issue is because it acts as a barrier between the bacteria and the environment. There are also issues with treating biofilm-forming bacteria with antibiotics. I hypothesize that Manuka Honey inhibits biofilm growth in Staphylococcus Aureus better than General Honey.

Fall 2024: Week 2

Hi everyone! It's week two, and I am already late on my blog post (smh). This semester feels like a lot of things to juggle, but I believe that I got it. Last semester, I did well at completing assignments on time, so I plan to work on that this semester as well. Aside from that, I had limited time in the lab. The first 2-3 weeks are always the deadest in TRAIN. I'm waiting on a single item, which I hope will arrive soon, and then I can start my project. I don't have any lab picture this week so I hope you all enjoy picutre of my dog in the car.

Fall 2024: Week 1

Hi Everyone, and welcome back to another semester of TRAIN. I have a feeling this is going to be a good semester. I am continuing my project from last semester. All the roadblocks I fell into the previous semester have prepared me for this semester. I'm ready to jump in feet first. I was fortunate enough to become a HELIOS Scholar this summer and spent two months in a lab researching. The time I spent there really helped me solidify my love for science and ensure that research is what I want to do. I hope everyone had a great summer, and I look forward to seeing everyone in passing. (One of the western blots I did at TGen)

Spring 2024-Week 14

Hi Everyone! We did it! This week was the last week of TRAIN. I spent most of this week finishing the third exam and preparing for finals week. There were a few issues with grades in 2 of my classes, which was a little stressful, but are fixed now. I was fortunate enough to watch some of the TRAIN presentations this year despite having a lab final and having to go to work. I hope everyone had a great semester and I can't wait to be back next semester. Also, I lost my computer charger so I've been piggy backing off of other chargers. So here a picture of my charger port.

Spring 2024-Week 13

This is the conclusion to my research. "Unfortunately, due to the uncertainties of the data, no conclusion can be made. Due to time constraints, the research is unfinished. The only bacteria tested was Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. As well as no microdilution and testing of the efficacy of the honey were done. In the future, this research aims to work with P. Aeruginosa, S. Aureus, and S. Epidermis and incorporate the manuka honey. Physical examination shows a confirmed growth of a slimy substance in the test tube containing Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. In past research, evidence suggests that Manuka suggests that different concentrations inhibit the growth of the chosen bacteria." Although my research was inconclusive, I don't feel bad. I can't wait to come back next semester and work out the kinks.